School Groups at Madge Lake Bible Camp

We offer a "Meal Deal" that includes a wiener roast at our massive campfire pit!

Horseback riding / lessons are another one of our options. Kids will be taught by our qualified instructors!

Rockwall climbing is a fantastic option to teach perseverance and courage!

MLBC has facilities (tents, cabins) available for overnight adventures! We've done bike trips, canoe trips, etc!

Archery is one of our fun and educational options! Kids will be taught by our qualified instructors!

Peddle Quads are a hit for any age group! Not only are they fun, but they get kids moving and bring kids together!

Canoeing and Kayaking is one of our options. Enjoy the beauty of Madge Lake along with our staff / lifeguards!

Archery / Axe throwing is one of our options. Teens will be taught and supervised by our qualified instructors!

Gaga is one of the many fun, active, games that kids will love to play in their free time!

9-Square is a super fun volleyball game that kids will love to play in their free time!
We are thrilled to offer you the opportunity to bring your class/group to Madge Lake Bible Camp for an exciting adventure. We offer a variety of activities that are both fun and challenging but also educational and team building. Whatever goals you have for your year-end, we will do our best to accommodate with our flexible options.
We are also excited to announce that we have a partnership with Duck Mountain Provincial Park Interpreters to be able to offer your group the best of both programs. What a great way to maximize your experience here in Duck Mountain Provincial Park.
To see what we offer, please see the brochure below!
To request a booking, please fill out the form below and we will contact you!
Feel free to contact us at 1(888)88-MADGE (ext 4) or email us at